
Less Sitting, More Moving! NEW Guidelines for Adults & Children

Less Sitting, More Moving! NEW Guidelines for Adults & Children - Sky Fitness Chicago

This blog features article ‘Move More, Sit Less’: U.S. Updates Exercise Guidelines for Adults, Kids written by John Fernandez For the first time in 10 years, the U.S. government has updated its minimum exercise guidelines to help adults, and their kids, achieve the many health benefits of regular physical activity. The exercise recommendations for U.S. adults […]

The Secret to Maintaining Health & Fitness Goals During The Holidays

During the holiday season, maintaining our health and fitness routine becomes extremely challenging. There are countless opportunities for over-indulging and drinking, while our active holiday schedules leave very little room for working off those extra calories. Many of us pick up a few unwelcome pounds from now until January 1st. However, all it takes is […]

7 Amazing Benefits of Group Exercise

This blog is a featured article by guest writer Michael Morelli. Exercising is a great way to become fit and live a healthier lifestyle. More often than not, people exercise on their own, at their own pace and on their own time. Well, this is okay and there’s nothing wrong with it – BUT did you […]

8 Tips for Staying Active As A Parent

This blog features WebMD article Parents Who Exercise: Overcoming the Challenges by Barbara Russi Sarnataro providing tips for parents to incorporate fitness into their life! 8 Tips for Staying Active as a Parent Parents and exercise are not usually words you see in the same sentence. From the moment you step on the physical and emotional roller […]

Annoyed By Back Pain? Try Yoga & Massage Before Popping a Pill

Featured Guest Article Written By Massageholic.com For many people, back pain is just a fact of life – and so are painkillers. But what about alternative remedies? Medication has its place, but there’s no getting away from the fact that it’s just a quick fix. Popping pills won’t treat the underlying cause of your back […]

Benefits of A Healthy Lifestyle: Good Nutrition, Diet, and Exercise

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Guest Blog Written By Luke Mitchell At this point, you’ve most likely heart the term ‘healthy living’ being thrown around by various wellness and fitness websites. But what does it actually mean? Well, in a nutshell, this approach presupposes adopting a diet based around nutrient-rich, organic foods, coupled with working out regularly, even daily […]

The Best Time to Workout May Be Earlier Than You Thought…

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Does the time we workout really affect how much we burn fat and calories? It’s common knowledge that regular exercise tremendously benefits our body, mind, and overall health. However, our schedules frequently do vary and committing to working out at the same time everyday gets tricky. Instead of trying to squeeze in a workout […]

9 Enjoyable Exercises You Can Fit Into Your Busy Schedule

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] 9 Enjoyable Exercises You Can Fit Into Your Busy Schedule Guest Article Written By Sheila Olson Fitness is an important part of self-care, but an important part of fitness is finding exercise you enjoy and can incorporate to your schedule no matter how busy you are. It’s especially important to do an exercise you enjoy, […]

4 Quick and Delicious Healthy Recipes for Spring!

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] As we enjoy longer daylight hours and fresh air from open windows, it’s now time to celebrate our Chicago weather finally welcoming Spring back into our lives! As the weather gets warmer, we tend to be more active and ready for quick, healthy food.  Whether you are on the go taking your kids to […]

Is Your Body In Balance? A Method To Improve Your Exercise Programs!

Written by Mark Tolle, Fitness Manager A question that comes to mind each time I work with a client is, “are they in balance?” With close to 30 years of experience ranging from physical therapy, athletic training, sports performance, and fitness, I believe it is important to address the question of having our body in […]