7 Amazing Benefits of Group Exercise

This blog is a featured article by guest writer Michael Morelli. Exercising is a great way to become fit and live a healthier lifestyle. More often than not, people exercise on their own, at their own pace and on their own time. Well, this is okay and there’s nothing wrong with it – BUT did you […]
Ballroom Dance Your Way To Good Health & New Friends!

Looking for a fun way to get fit and make new friends? Check out Ballroom Dance at Sky! Ballroom dancing promotes fitness and expression through a low impact activity while swaying along to the rhythm in an upbeat environment. Our professional instructor Olga Aidasheva, values dancing as a beautiful sport that embraces her lifelong passion. This goes […]
Benefits of A Healthy Lifestyle: Good Nutrition, Diet, and Exercise

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Guest Blog Written By Luke Mitchell At this point, you’ve most likely heart the term ‘healthy living’ being thrown around by various wellness and fitness websites. But what does it actually mean? Well, in a nutshell, this approach presupposes adopting a diet based around nutrient-rich, organic foods, coupled with working out regularly, even daily […]
4 Quick and Delicious Healthy Recipes for Spring!

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] As we enjoy longer daylight hours and fresh air from open windows, it’s now time to celebrate our Chicago weather finally welcoming Spring back into our lives! As the weather gets warmer, we tend to be more active and ready for quick, healthy food. Whether you are on the go taking your kids to […]
Take Your Workout to the Next Level with Triathlon Training

Did you know that 39.2% of people made their New Year’s Resolution to get healthier, be more active and improve their overall lifestyle in 2018? Improving one’s health is one of the top resolutions made each year. Setting a resolution may sound cheesy, but it can help you stick to your goals and improve your […]
Lets Fight Childhood Obesity Together!

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Conquer Childhood Obesity at Sky Fitness Holiday chocolates, cookies and treats are usually gone after the first week of January. Adults set their fitness goals for the new year and start focusing on their health and wellness. What about our children? In December, Harvard reported that the national childhood obesity problem is set to get […]
Sky Makes it Simple to Achieve Your New Year’s Resolutions in 2018

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Do you find yourself making and quitting the same New Year’s resolutions every year? Stay on track with your health & fitness goals in 2018… Usually around 5 months after the New Year, people get discouraged and give up. A whopping 97% of individuals fail to reach their mark because they neglect to set […]
Crush Your Fitness Goals in 2018

We all know that those cookies & drinks you overindulged in at your holiday party (while no one was looking) seemed like a good idea at the time, but you may be regretting those extra calories and sugar now. It’s okay, we all go a little ‘sugar crazy’ this time of year, after all, we […]
Black Friday Deals You Don’t Want To Miss!

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] This time of year we reflect on what we are thankful for in our lives. Every family has their Thanksgiving traditions, whether it be a football game, making food together, or enjoying holiday shopping on Black Friday. Are you ready to add Sky Fitness to your Thanksgiving traditions? Take advantage of limited Black Friday Deals! […]
Sugary Treats Don’t Stand a Ghost of a Chance This Halloween

Sky Fitness Members work hard to stay fit, eat healthy and be committed to living their best life possible. And yet, here we are just two weeks away from Halloween and every store has bags and bags of sugary treats throughout the store, especially near the checkout. While most days, we have learned to ignore […]