Phase 3 is for personal training only!
Regular membership activities are expected to hopefully resume in Phase 4 optimistically in late June or early July. No monthly membership dues are being charged until we resume in Phase 4!
Welcome Back To Sky Fitness! Phase 3 Reopening Rules:
At Sky Fitness the safety and security of our members & staff are priority #1 and with keeping that in mind we are now comfortable moving forward into a Phase 3 reopening. Sky Fitness has undergone a deep cleaning and we are ready to host members once again. The current state law states we can allow one on one personal training and we must maintain groups of 10 people or less in a defined space as well. We wanted to create an environment that is safe for both members & employees. The State of Illinois & the Village of Buffalo Grove will have specific rules in place that will allow us to open and we will adhere strictly to these rules. We will also request that our members & guests follow this phase 3 protocol.
Below you will find information regarding our phase 3 opening, member guidelines, club operation guidelines and a look at what phase 4 may look like.
The Governor has not issued a re-opening date (yet) but we do have a plan. We have been looking to the industry professionals to ensure all health clubs have the appropriate safety measures in place for Phase 3, we are confident in our plan to reopen safely.
We are excited to be able to re-open soon and we pledge to make your return to the gym as safe and enjoyable as possible. This pandemic will be with us for a while longer, which is why we’ll be following a phased approach on our eventual return to normal.
We will be asking our members to make a few adjustments to ensure everyone’s safety and comfort. All our staff will be making adjustments as well. Please let us know how you are doing and what we can do better. We’re all in this together!
The Phase 3 guidelines are shown below for re-opening. We will be able to open up to a greater degree in Phase 4 and we will be in communication about those changes at that time.
Front desk staff will have additional cleaning duties and we also wish to avoid extended in- person contact for the sake of social distancing. For that reason, we will be asking members to route questions as follows:
Membership questions? Please contact Stacy Imyak <si****@sk***************.com> or Annabel Salgado <ao*******@sk***************.com> or leave a message at the club and they will call you back as soon as they are able, to answer any questions.
Health, safety, sanitation questions? Please contact Larry Heller directly at LH*****@SK***************.COM or leave a message at the club and he will return your call as soon as possible.
Modified Hours:
Monday-Friday 7:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.
Saturday and Sunday 7:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
If we discover that the demand does not warrant these hours, we will modify them as needed.
Guidelines during this phase:
- Upon entry to Sky Fitness everyone will have their temperature taken by infrared thermometer (a temperature below 99.8 degrees is necessary for entry). They will also have to reply to a few wellness questions.
- Maintain social distancing of a minimum of 6-8 feet whenever possible.
- Masks, gloves & social distancing are required for entry and must be worn while in the club.
- Trainers will wear face coverings and gloves, maintain six-eight foot distance, and avoid touching equipment or spotting. Trainers will be responsible to sanitize the equipment used by their clients.
- It is mandatory to wear gloves and while wearing them do not touch your face. We understand that 80% of the transfer of this virus is hands to face. Wearing gloves will protect you to some degree, but gloves will also act as a reminder to not touch your face.
- Locker rooms are closed until phase 4. Rest room facilities will remain available for emergency use only. We have provided sanitary wipes conveniently throughout the club for this specific request. Areas such as hot tubs, steam rooms, saunas will be closed until phase 4. Our industry is developing a plan to reopen these amenities in the near future.
- If you are not feeling well DO NOT COME TO SKY FITNESS! All coughing and sneezing must be covered by using a mask. If you have seasonal allergies you are required to wear a mask. Although these rules seem extreme, they are in place to provide the best wellness opportunity for everyone.
- The swimming pool will be open for swim lessons only during phase 3
- One-on-one Pilates training is available in this phase. Avoid using adjacent machines that are closer than six feet. If you will be closer than six-eight feet, for safety reasons, you must wear a face covering and gloves. You may choose to remove your face covering when you are exercising if absolutely necessary but must maintain your six-eight foot distance.
General Safety Guidelines That Members Need To follow For Both Phase 3 & 4
- Illness: If you are sick, you must not enter the club. Additionally, please answer for yourself these four questions from the CDC and if the answer is yes, do not enter the club for two weeks.
- Have you been confirmed positive for COVID-19?
- Are you currently experiencing, or recently experienced, any acute respiratory illness symptoms such as fever, cough, or shortness of breath?
- Have you been in close contact with any persons who have been confirmed positive for COVID-19?
- Have you been in close contact with any persons who have traveled and are also exhibiting acute respiratory illness symptoms?
- Travel: If you are returning from out of state, please do not come in to the club for 14 days.
- High-Risk Individuals: Vulnerable or high-risk individuals are discouraged from using the facilities during Phase 3.
- Off-Peak Hours: Good times to have more personal space at the club are weekend afternoons, and week-day mid-afternoons.
- Social Distancing: Maintain a minimum six-eight foot distance at all times. In any tight areas, please wait and limit passage to one person at a time.
- Hand Washing: Hand washing with soap or use of hand sanitizer is strongly recommended before & after using gloves.
- Face-Touching: Avoid touching your face at all times to prevent virus spread.
- Sneezing & Coughing: Sneeze or cough into your elbow, tissue, or mask.
- Face Coverings: All members and staff are required to wear face coverings and gloves when entering and moving about the club. Face coverings are encouraged to be on your face at all times. You may choose to remove it when you are exercising if absolutely necessary but must maintain your six-eight foot distance.
- Cleaning Equipment: Clean equipment before and after every use with the spray bottles and paper towels. Wipe down spray bottles after every use. Additional paper towel and spray bottle stations have been added. Trainers are responsible parties to making sure this gets done.
- Cleaning Equipment: Clean equipment before and after every use with the spray bottles and paper towels. Wipe down spray bottles after every use. Additional paper towel and spray bottle stations have been added. Trainers are responsible parties to making sure this gets done.
- Weight-Lifting: Face coverings and gloves are mandatory during weight lifting activities. You may choose to remove your mask when you are exercising if absolutely necessary but must maintain your six-eight foot distance. (i.e spotting someone).
- Personal Items: Bring your own towels, water bottle & mat.
- Contact Tracing: Let us know if you have been at Sky Fitness and subsequently acquire COVID-19 so we may assist the state in contact tracing.
General Safety Guidelines for Sky Fitness Operation During Phase 3 & 4
- Reduced Capacity: Capacity will be limited to assist in social distancing. This includes overall limits for club occupancy, reduced numbers for classes, and limits for individual rooms. We will communicate these limits, as needed, through signage, staff oversight, email, and website.
- Illness: All employees will stay home if sick.
- Health Monitor: All managers will be designated as a health monitors to ensure training and education of their team of employees our goal is to ensure guidelines are followed.
- Social Distancing: All staff and members will observe six-eight foot distancing. We will maintain a detailed social distancing plan covering every space at the club.
- Sanitization/Cleaning: We will be following the Illinois Department of Health, and CDC guidelines.
- High-Touch Areas: Staff will be regularly sanitizing door handles, counter tops, and other high-touch areas.
- Shift Cleaning: All equipment in the club will be cleaned multiple times every shift by designated staff.
- Equipment Cleaning: All equipment will be cleaned by staff or instructor prior to the next class. Also, before and after each individual training session.
- Deep Cleaning: All equipment will be fogged with an anti-viral/ anti-bacterial agent each night.
- Face Coverings: Employees and members must wear face coverings over their nose and mouth when in Sky Fitness. A translucent shield is acceptable in lieu of a mask.
- Staff Training: All staff will be educated on safety protocols regarding Covid-19.
Our Current Operational Plan for Phase 4
**Please note this plan has not been completely determined and is subject to change as we approach Phase 4**
Pickleball: It is mandatory to wear masks and gloves in phase 3-4 due to close proximity.
Classes: Most classes will resume with modifications, and some will be on hold till phase 5. In addition, we request that all attendees of the class clean their equipment prior to use and again after each use. The instructors will announce this as a mandatory safety measure.
Weight Room: Avoid using adjacent machines that are closer than six feet. If you will be closer than six-eight feet, for safety reasons, you must wear a face covering and gloves. You may choose to remove your face covering when you are exercising if absolutely necessary but must maintain your six-eight foot distance.
Pilates: Avoid using adjacent machines that are closer than six feet. If you will be closer than six-eight feet, for safety reasons, you must wear a face covering and gloves. You may choose to remove your face covering when you are exercising if absolutely necessary but must maintain your six-eight foot distance.
Cardio Room: Due to the lack of storage space we demand the use of every other cardio machine only! Masks and gloves are mandatory. You may choose to remove your mask when you are exercising if absolutely necessary but must maintain your six-eight foot distance.
Studio 1: This room has been marked for use during classes to maintain minimum of six foot distance. Room may be used during non-class times as usual.
Spinning Room: 50% capacity only! Gloves & masks are mandatory. Use every other bike to maintain six foot distance. Use during non-class times is allowed. You may choose to remove your mask when you are exercising if absolutely necessary but must maintain your six-eight foot distance.
Basketball: One person per hoop, no sharing of balls.
Lockers: Unavailable in Phase 3. We are encouraging you to come to Sky Fitness workout ready. Day lockers will be unavailable to avoid cross-contamination.
Showers: We are encouraging everyone to shower at home at this time. If it is absolutely necessary (swim lesson) to shower you may use the family room facilities only and you must bring your own towel.
Towels: Bring your own towel. Towel service is temporarily unavailable during phase 3.
Steam Room: The steam room is temporarily unavailable during phase 3.
Sauna: The sauna is temporarily unavailable during phase 3.
Swimming: Both indoor & outdoor pools are currently closed to membership during Phase 3. The pool will open for swim lessons only during phase 3. The goal is to open both pools in phase 4. There is no evidence that the virus that causes COVID-19 can be spread to people through the water in pools, hot tubs or spas. Proper operation and maintenance (including disinfection with chlorine and bromine) of these facilities should inactivate the virus in the water.
We are following USA swimming and state guidelines that may determine when and how recreational water facilities should operate.
Individuals should continue to take precautions at recreational water venues both in and out of the water – for example, by practicing social distancing and good personal hygiene.
In addition to ensuring water safety and quality, as owners and operators of community pools, hot tubs, spas, we will follow the interim guidance for cleaning and disinfecting our facilities.
Guests: Entry is limited to members and local resident weekend warrior pass holders. There will be no drop-in guests during Phase 3.
Childcare: We will not have childcare during Phase 3, but will be opening it as soon as a safe protocol has been established.
Pickleball at Sky Fitness– Phase 3 & 4
During Phase 3, Pickleball is available to trainers with lessons or court rentals only. Courts can be rented by the hour for $10.00 maximum 4 persons and a maximum of 10 persons can be in the entire court spaces in phase 3.
- Singles: Maintain six-eight foot distance when entering, leaving, and between games.
- Doubles: Doubles are allowed while maintaining six foot distance on court. Two people extending their rackets toward one another is about six feet. Tactics include calling balls in the center, being aware of your space. Wearing masks and gloves is mandatory. You may choose to remove your mask when you are playing if absolutely necessary but must maintain your six-eight foot distance.
- Social Distancing: Remain minimum six-eight feet apart when entering, leaving, on court, and between games. No high-fives or hand-shakes or fist-bumps.
- Hand-Washing: Wash your hands or sanitize before and after putting gloves on and taking them off.
- Face Coverings & gloves. Gloves & masks are mandatory. You may choose to remove your mask when you are playing if absolutely necessary but must maintain your six- eight foot distance.
Can Covid-19 virus spread through pools, hot tubs, & spas?
There is no evidence that COVID-19 can be spread to humans through the use of pools, hot tubs or spas. Proper operation, maintenance, and disinfection (e.g., with chlorine and bromine) of pools, hot tubs or spas, should inactivate the virus that causes COVID-19.
How long does Covid-19 virus live on surfaces?
A recent study found that the COVID-19 coronavirus can survive up to four hours on copper, up to 24 hours on cardboard, and up to two to three days on plastic and stainless steel. Therefore wash your hands for 20 seconds with hot soapy water after using or touching any of the above.
Can the coronavirus disease spread through air?
The virus that causes COVID-19 is mainly transmitted through droplets generated when an infected person coughs, sneezes, or speaks. These droplets are too heavy to hang in the air for very long. They quickly fall on floors or surfaces. You can be infected by breathing in the virus if you are within 1 meter of a person who has COVID-19, or by touching a contaminated surface and then touching your eyes, nose or mouth before washing your hands. Therefore, the best proactive measures are to wash your hands in hot soapy water for 20 seconds, do not touch your face. Wear gloves and a mask when in public.
It is my sincere wish to see you of you back at Sky Fitness and for you to remain safe, healthy and confident that you can find your wellness here!
We hope to see you soon!
Larry Heller
Executive Director of Sky Fitness