8 Tips for Staying Active As A Parent

This blog features WebMD article Parents Who Exercise: Overcoming the Challenges by Barbara Russi Sarnataro providing tips for parents to incorporate fitness into their life! 8 Tips for Staying Active as a Parent Parents and exercise are not usually words you see in the same sentence. From the moment you step on the physical and emotional roller […]
10 Kid-Friendly Healthy Recipes for the School Year

Over the next few weeks, the school lunchrooms will once again be bursting with loud laughter and children comparing and trading lunchbox treats. As the days get busier with carpooling, work and extracurricular activities, we wanted to share some quick, easy recipes. These delicious recipes are a great way to make sure your kids are […]
The Best Back to School Fitness Classes for Moms (and Dads!)

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] August is a month of hustle and bustle full of organizing school supplies, enjoying the last few lazy days of summer, and trying to regulate your children’s sleep routine. Soon school will be back in session and once again there will be the added stress of homework, waking up early, and extracurricular activities. These […]