The Best Time to Workout May Be Earlier Than You Thought…

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Does the time we workout really affect how much we burn fat and calories? It’s common knowledge that regular exercise tremendously benefits our body, mind, and overall health. However, our schedules frequently do vary and committing to working out at the same time everyday gets tricky. Instead of trying to squeeze in a workout […]
2018’s Best Summer Workout Songs to Amp Up Your Performance!

Science has proven it but we all know that music fuels our workouts. We crank music during our MOSSA & MoveStrong classes, personal training sessions, and upstairs in our cardio and weight area. Our Sky Fitness endurance athletes and fitness fanatics put their headphones on and tune the world out during physical activity. No matter […]
Being Motivated to Exercise is Half the Battle. Stay on Track with Sky!

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Staying motivated to work out can get hard, especially if you have already achieved your goals. But did you know that setting mini goals for yourself even after you achieved your large ones can continue to give you that drive to hit the gym? Even if you don’t have any more fitness desires you […]
Take Your Workout to the Next Level with Triathlon Training

Did you know that 39.2% of people made their New Year’s Resolution to get healthier, be more active and improve their overall lifestyle in 2018? Improving one’s health is one of the top resolutions made each year. Setting a resolution may sound cheesy, but it can help you stick to your goals and improve your […]
Life Hack: How To Keep Healthy On Your Winter Vacation

December offers many ways to celebrate the holidays and enjoy time with the people you love. Although, many of us feel stressed because our regular routines get a little out of whack. Today’s technology simplifies our lives by reminding us to stick to our morning rituals, group exercise classes, and allowing ourselves time to slow […]