Staying motivated to work out can get hard, especially if you have already achieved your goals. But did you know that setting mini goals for yourself even after you achieved your large ones can continue to give you that drive to hit the gym? Even if you don’t have any more fitness desires you want to accomplish and just want to maintain where you are at we have some tips for that.
Check out this article below from Medical Xpress on how setting new milestones can keep you motivated to exercise:
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“Below are key steps to building that drive to exercise.
1. Enjoy what you’re doing—find fitness activities you like.
The fact is many people don’t have the internal motivation to work out, and say they’d rather do something else. The trick is finding a “something else” that just happens to have fitness benefits.
2. Become a master to feel comfortable and competent, and gain a sense of accomplishment.
A big motivation killer is not feeling adept at exercise. Since mastery is motivating, get instruction to become more proficient at your chosen activity. A few one-on-one training sessions can keep your head in the game.
3. Develop a plan and follow through—no distractions.
Some people lose motivation because they don’t follow through with their exercise plans. Make workout time sacred, and get rid of any hurdles in your way. That could mean hiring a babysitter or changing to a different class at the gym that gives you more time to get there from work.
4. Join a fitness group or exercise as a family to deepen your commitment to workouts.
Add a social component to make exercise more fun. You’ll also be more motivated if you know others are depending on you to show up.
Finally, believe in yourself. You’re more likely to engage in meaningful amounts of exercise if you feel that fitness is part of who you are.”
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Here at Sky Fitness we are committed to helping you crush your goals no matter how big or small. That is why we offer a wide variety of group classes, amenities and personal training programs to keep you motivated and get you where you want to go.
Contact us today to find out how you can begin your Sky Fitness Journey for FREE today!