This is a special technique offered by our massage therapist, Irene Volchek: The Raindrop Technique is a method of using a combination of Reflexology, Aromatherapy, Massage techniques, and Essential oils applied to the feet and spine of the body. In parallel, therapeutic grade Essential oils are placed on reflex points on the feet where the spine is represented. It was developed by Dr. Gary Young, N.D. two decades ago.
Raindrop Technique focuses on the healing essence of the essential oils applied directly to the spinal column, where it is believed that viruses and bacteria lie dormant until the immune system weakens. The oils create an environment that is hospitable to these “foreign” agents in our bodies and causes them to be eliminated naturally. Raindrop Technique is known to strengthen the immune system, relieve back issues, and create balance and harmony in the body – physically, mentally and emotionally.
Raindrop Technique is also an effective detoxification, and can assist in eliminating symptoms associated with cold, flu and other common conditions. Wonderfully soothing, nurturing and relaxing, the Raindrop Technique can work its benefits in the body for days, weeks or months.