Ballroom Dance Your Way To Good Health & New Friends!

Looking for a fun way to get fit and make new friends? Check out Ballroom Dance at Sky! Ballroom dancing promotes fitness and expression through a low impact activity while swaying along to the rhythm in an upbeat environment. Our professional instructor Olga Aidasheva, values dancing as a beautiful sport that embraces her lifelong passion. This goes […]
Summer Body Prep Starts Now With Pilates

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Looking for buns & abs of steel? To gain core strength and rock a bikini? Yelena, Janine and Susan will empower you through our state-of the art Pilates reformer studio and weekly group classes! The Pilates Method is based on developing strength in the body’s core stabilizing muscles by combining the philosophies of both […]
Being Motivated to Exercise is Half the Battle. Stay on Track with Sky!

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Staying motivated to work out can get hard, especially if you have already achieved your goals. But did you know that setting mini goals for yourself even after you achieved your large ones can continue to give you that drive to hit the gym? Even if you don’t have any more fitness desires you […]