Sky Fitness is Awarded Best Health Club in Buffalo Grove…Again!

[vc_row height=”auto” width=”full”][vc_column][vc_column_text] We are VERY excited to celebrate our achievement in being awarded “2019 Best of Buffalo Grove” in the Health Club category! Sky Fitness has been honored as the best health club in Buffalo Grove for four consecutive years, placing us in the Buffalo Grove Award Program’s Business Hall of Fame! Thank you […]
Being Motivated to Exercise is Half the Battle. Stay on Track with Sky!

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Staying motivated to work out can get hard, especially if you have already achieved your goals. But did you know that setting mini goals for yourself even after you achieved your large ones can continue to give you that drive to hit the gym? Even if you don’t have any more fitness desires you […]
The Pants Won’t Fit If You Quit: My Transformation Journey

Sky Fitness member, Steven Decker, reflects on his journey through our 10 Week Transformation Challenge… 30 years of excuses have been dissipated by eight weeks of hard work. Now that I have almost concluded the 10 week transformation challenge I can pleasantly reflect my journey these past two months. Like many 64 year old men, […]