7 Amazing Benefits of Group Exercise

This blog is a featured article by guest writer Michael Morelli. Exercising is a great way to become fit and live a healthier lifestyle. More often than not, people exercise on their own, at their own pace and on their own time. Well, this is okay and there’s nothing wrong with it – BUT did you […]
9 Enjoyable Exercises You Can Fit Into Your Busy Schedule

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] 9 Enjoyable Exercises You Can Fit Into Your Busy Schedule Guest Article Written By Sheila Olson Fitness is an important part of self-care, but an important part of fitness is finding exercise you enjoy and can incorporate to your schedule no matter how busy you are. It’s especially important to do an exercise you enjoy, […]
Enjoy ALL Your Favorite Activities this Summer at Sky Fitness

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Summer is the perfect time to hangout at the “Best Health Club” in Buffalo Grove. Under one roof, Sky Fitness offers you a playground of fitness equipment, spa services, personal trainers, yoga community events & more that will move you forward toward hitting your fitness goals. Whether your goal is to make new friends, escape the […]
Sky’s First Indoor Triathlon Was a Success!

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Sky Fitness and Vision Quest partnered together on March 4th bringing 50 members and athletes in the community together to participate in our first indoor triathlon! Our participants ranged in age from 10-82 yrs. The vision for an indoor triathlon is to help active fitness performers set goals, challenge their endurance, keep their motivation […]
Take Your Workout to the Next Level with Triathlon Training

Did you know that 39.2% of people made their New Year’s Resolution to get healthier, be more active and improve their overall lifestyle in 2018? Improving one’s health is one of the top resolutions made each year. Setting a resolution may sound cheesy, but it can help you stick to your goals and improve your […]
Sky Fitness Challenges in 2018 with First Indoor Triathlon

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] We are excited to partner with VisionQuest and our own triathlete, Janine Newman as they transform one’s fear into physical challenge. The 8-week training program is designed to improve your endurance levels and transform any self-limiting beliefs into grit, determination and perseverance. Sky Fitness hosts the big Indoor Tri event on March 4, 2018. […]
4 Exercises That Don’t Put a Lot of Pressure on Your Joints

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Featured writer: Mike Jones Many people find that they are unable to pursue athletic activities after they have experienced joint problems, such as arthritis. It can be discouraging to feel as though you are unable to continue your life in the way you have before. However, it doesn’t have to be all doom and gloom, […]
4 Ways You Can Promote Healthy Joints at Sky Fitness

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Almost everyone has those pesky aches and pains, some are more persistent than others. And they appear more noticeable as we age. Very often these joints can cause us pain due to: not using the joints often, inflammation, or an injury that never healed properly. Joint pain can get in the way of our […]
The Best Back to School Fitness Classes for Moms (and Dads!)

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] August is a month of hustle and bustle full of organizing school supplies, enjoying the last few lazy days of summer, and trying to regulate your children’s sleep routine. Soon school will be back in session and once again there will be the added stress of homework, waking up early, and extracurricular activities. These […]
Water Aerobics: The Best Way to Add a Splash to Your Summer Workout!

Working out is so much fun as a group! We offer free aquatic group classes for all Sky Fitness members in our 25-meter indoor pool and 95° therapy pool. Group classes include: H20 Athletic Training, Half & Half, Smooth Seas, Total Splash and Warm Water Therapy. Water aerobics builds cardio, strength and resistance all while being easy […]