
The Secret to Maintaining Health & Fitness Goals During The Holidays

During the holiday season, maintaining our health and fitness routine becomes extremely challenging. There are countless opportunities for over-indulging and drinking, while our active holiday schedules leave very little room for working off those extra calories. Many of us pick up a few unwelcome pounds from now until January 1st. However, all it takes is […]

Benefits of A Healthy Lifestyle: Good Nutrition, Diet, and Exercise

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Guest Blog Written By Luke Mitchell At this point, you’ve most likely heart the term ‘healthy living’ being thrown around by various wellness and fitness websites. But what does it actually mean? Well, in a nutshell, this approach presupposes adopting a diet based around nutrient-rich, organic foods, coupled with working out regularly, even daily […]

The Best Time to Workout May Be Earlier Than You Thought…

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Does the time we workout really affect how much we burn fat and calories? It’s common knowledge that regular exercise tremendously benefits our body, mind, and overall health. However, our schedules frequently do vary and committing to working out at the same time everyday gets tricky. Instead of trying to squeeze in a workout […]

4 Quick and Delicious Healthy Recipes for Spring!

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] As we enjoy longer daylight hours and fresh air from open windows, it’s now time to celebrate our Chicago weather finally welcoming Spring back into our lives! As the weather gets warmer, we tend to be more active and ready for quick, healthy food.  Whether you are on the go taking your kids to […]

Lets Fight Childhood Obesity Together!

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Conquer Childhood Obesity at Sky Fitness Holiday chocolates, cookies and treats are usually gone after the first week of January. Adults set their fitness goals for the new year and start focusing on their health and wellness. What about our children? In December, Harvard reported that the national childhood obesity problem is set to get […]

Sky Makes it Simple to Achieve Your New Year’s Resolutions in 2018

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Do you find yourself making and quitting the same New Year’s resolutions every year? Stay on track with your health & fitness goals in 2018… Usually around 5 months after the New Year, people get discouraged and give up. A whopping 97% of individuals fail to reach their mark because they neglect to set […]

Sugary Treats Don’t Stand a Ghost of a Chance This Halloween

Sky Fitness Members work hard to stay fit, eat healthy and be committed to living their best life possible. And yet, here we are just two weeks away from Halloween and every store has bags and bags of sugary treats throughout the store, especially near the checkout. While most days, we have learned to ignore […]

10 Kid-Friendly Healthy Recipes for the School Year

Over the next few weeks, the school lunchrooms will once again be bursting with loud laughter and children comparing and trading lunchbox treats. As the days get busier with carpooling, work and extracurricular activities, we wanted to share some quick, easy recipes. These delicious recipes are a great way to make sure your kids are […]

Kim’s Healthy Recipe of the Month: Red Lentil Dal

[vc_row][vc_column][us_image image=”3008″ size=”full” align=”center”][vc_column_text] This is one of my absolute favorite lentil dishes! SimplyRecipes‘ Simple Indian Red Lentil Dal healthy recipe is made with red lentils, onions, garlic, turmeric, tomatoes, and cilantro. It makes for a great vegetarian dinner. Fun fact: “This particular version comes out of the state of West Bengal and features Bengali five […]

The Best Back to School Fitness Classes for Moms (and Dads!)

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] August is a month of hustle and bustle full of organizing school supplies, enjoying the last few lazy days of summer, and trying to regulate your children’s sleep routine. Soon school will be back in session and once again there will be the added stress of homework, waking up early, and extracurricular activities. These […]