The Secret to Maintaining Health & Fitness Goals During The Holidays - Sky Fitness Chicago

The Secret to Maintaining Health & Fitness Goals During The Holidays

During the holiday season, maintaining our health and fitness routine becomes extremely challenging. There are countless opportunities for over-indulging and drinking, while our active holiday schedules leave very little room for working off those extra calories. Many of us pick up a few unwelcome pounds from now until January 1st. However, all it takes is a little extra planning to stay focused and committed to your fitness routine. Imagine kicking off the new year feeling good about yourself and the goals you achieved while still having fun over the holidays!

Maintain a healthy body & successful fitness routine by following these 12 strategies:
  • Schedule regular workouts and group classes on your calendar for the entire month.
  • Set a reminder on your phone or calendar app.
  • Keep motivation high by adding some new music to your playlist!
  • Carve out 30 minutes of high intensity interval workouts, or try Sky’s MoveStrong or MOSSA classes 2-3 x per week.
  • Add a workout buddy to your support team for accountability!
  • If you’re traveling, book a hotel that has a fitness center and/or pool.
  • Take the stairs and skip the elevator when possible.
  • Drink as much water as possible before, during and after a party.
  • Manage your sleep schedule and stick to it!
  • Indulge in “exercise snacking”: Squeezing in a 10-minute mini-workout at least 2-3 times per day. Enjoying some morning yoga exercises or calisthenics. Use your lunch break to take a quick walk and also refresh your mind.
  • Eat strategically. You will be successful if you plan what time of day you are going to indulge versus being random or even skipping meals which always leads to overindulging.
  • Brush your teeth after meals – it may sound odd but it works!
Let this be the year you stay on track! Don’t let the excitement of the holiday season sabotage your fitness regimen & healthy habits. Following these tips will help you end this year with a bang and start the new year feeling strong.
If you need more hands-on support, schedule a session with our Nutrition Consultants or Personal Trainers! Here’s to a Happy & Healthy Holiday Season!