
Pickleball Winter Season Begins Sunday 1/9/22

Pickleball Winter Season is Back!

We have some limited space available:

  • Monday Ladies league | 3 spots available | 10:00am-Noon | 3.0-3.75 skillset
  • Monday Ladies league | 2 spots available | 6:00pm-8:00pm | 3.5-4.0 skillset
  • Wednesday Lower intermediate league | 1 spot available | 10:00am-Noon | 2.5-3.25 skillset
  • Thursday Ladies league | 3 spots available | 10:00am-Noon | 3.5 skillset
  • Sunday Co-ed league | 3 spots available | 1:30-3:00pm

If you are in a league you are responsible for showing up or getting a worthy replacement!

If you are having difficulty finding an adequate replacement email: LH*****@SK***************.COM

The league coaches are:

As a reminder: The current state law is to wear a face covering above your nose and below your chin while indoors. Sky Fitness adheres to the State laws and IDPH guidelines that are currently in place and expects all participants to follow these rules!

If you are not a member you must purchase a day pass or punch card to participate!

Open Play will be on Sunday afternoons and will be by reservation or first come first serve, Reservations will be taken by phone 48 hours prior to Open play between the hours of 9:00am -5:00pm: Example…Sunday open play bookings begin this Friday morning at 9:00am. Thursdays Open play reservations begin Tuesday morning at 9:00am

Once you elect to sign up for open play you will be charged for the reservation. This spot is saved for you. (NON-REFUNDABLE) Please make sure you are going to play as we are only allowing a maximum of 30 participants! Once you have a reservation you will check in at the front desk to receive your open play ticket. The ticket is to be handed to the onsite pro for the date.

Larry Heller (Executive Director)
Direct line: 847-419-7130