8 Meditation Benefits To Slow Down Aging - Sky Fitness Chicago

8 Meditation Benefits To Slow Down Aging

Meditation helps us relax the mind, expand consciousness and refresh the body. The Agni Studio created a tranquil space on May 7th when Franklin Drob led a hot guided meditation session. Franklin taught students several different methods and techniques designed to create balance in breath and the body. Daily practice encourages relaxation, mindfulness and actually holds powerful rejuvenation that has been proven to slow down the aging process. Looking within can show us our true selves which can be very empowering. We all have the ability to create total mind-body-spirit wellness, resulting in turning back the clock both externally and within. These 8 meditation benefits are almost too good to be true…

Here are a few testimonials from Franklin Drob’s meditation workshop:

Meditation Benefits for Aging

  • Reduce stress and anxiety
  • Be present, expand consciousness and mindfulness
  • Decrease blood pressure and hypertension
  • Increased production of the anti-aging hormone DHEA
  • Improve sleep quality
  • Support healthy lifestyle choices
  • Creative inspiration and focus
  • Boost happiness

Our Sky Fitness yoga program strongly supports spiritual growth and a daily meditation practice in the Agni and Avani yoga studios or when practicing at home. Meditation techniques are often divided into 5 different categories:

  • Concentration
  • Reflective
  • Mindfulness
  • Heart-Centered
  • Creative

Self-empowerment to work on our health is one of the greatest gifts we can give to ourselves. At Sky Fitness, we deeply care about our members’ total well-being for leading a balanced life. We are kicking off summer with Mindful Meditation Thursdays from 9-11:30am beginning June 8th. Andy Momaya, a certified mindful meditation practitioner for over 30 years, will teach a series of eight 90-minute workshops. Momaya’s technique involves simple steps of observation, self inquiry, contemplation, introspection, and of course, meditation. You will learn how to live in and enjoy the present moment. Uncover your inner peace & increase your quality of life. Visit our front desk to register for this special program.

Top 8 Meditation Benefits To Defy Aging - Sky Fitness

“Quiet the mind and the soul will speak.” ~Ma Jaya Sati Bhagavati
