As individuals, we have become a society run by data driven health apps such as Fitbit Blaze, MyFitness Pal, Garmin, and Withing Steel. Social media actively shares tips on superfoods, clean eating, and other best dietary practices. Fitness trackers for kids are also on the rise as we strive to be a country of healthier and happier people. Therefore, corporations are on the fast-track to create comprehensive employee wellness programs. Years ago, it was rare if a company provided the “perk” of a health club membership. Now, companies actually have corporate wellness managers and teams to assess their employee needs, formulate surveys, gather feedback and data so they receive a hard return on their employee wellness investment.
Organizations are devoting countless hours and resources to strategically design the best corporate wellness initiatives for their employees.
Several key factors include:
- Upper Management knows that healthy employees offer the business a substantial healthcare savings. Tax incentives and grants available under federal healthcare legislation help defer the enormous healthcare costs.
- Improved Corporate Culture: Exercise and overall wellness release the endorphins which increase the well-being of all employees. Happy employees are significantly more productive than their unfit counterparts.
- Organizations have learned through launching their wellness programs that fun group activities, employee challenges, and common “non-work” goals, actually build stronger, longer lasting communities.
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Launching a successful corporate wellness program is based on listening to what your employees value for their fitness goals and establishing a management team to support them. Spend time engaging the entire company’s participation through internal marketing and keeping morale high by offering fun incentives and rewards.
Experience The Best in Corporate Wellness at Sky Fitness
Sky Fitness’ new corporate incentive packages offer your organization everything it needs to launch a results-driven wellness program to motivate your employees and take their health to a higher level! Our facility offers state of the art equipment, personal training, weight training, indoor pool, nutrition consulting, yoga, and many spa amenities such as massage, sauna, whirlpool and hydro-massage beds.
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